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Election 2024 – 2nd May

On the 2nd May local elections will be held for all seats on Dorset Council and all seats on all of Dorset’s Town and Parish Councils.

Election Timetable for Voters
16 April Deadline for registering as a voter
17 April Deadline for applications for postal votes
24 April Deadline for applications for proxy votes
2 May Election Day

Please note the following

Voter ID – voters in England are now required to show photo ID to vote at polling stations. There is currently a list of acceptable forms of photo ID which includes passports (these may have expired but can be used as an acceptable form of ID provided the photograph is a true likeness of the voter), driving licence, a Blue Badge and an older person’s bus pass ….and many more.

Anyone who doesn’t have photo ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate that will be provided free of charge. Applications can be made online, use this link, (Apply for photo ID to vote (called a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’) – GOV.UK ( or by completing a paper application with a photograph attached. We will be able to take photographs for applicants that don’t have the facility to do so, but any resident who wishes to use this service should make an appointment to see the Team.

If you are aware of any residents that do not have appropriate ID, please do encourage them to apply in plenty of time for a Voter Authority Certificate using the link to the online portal above, or, alternatively ask them to contact the Elections Team on 01305 838299 or when a member of the Team can assist them with the options available



Public access defibrillators are there to be used for someone in cardiac arrest. After a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and defibrillation reduces someone’s chance of survival by 10 per cent.

The Parish Council have purchased a public access defibrillator which is located on the outside of the Memorial Hall, Churchill Close.

No formal training is necessary for using them. In the event of an emergency CALL 999, if you do not already know where the defibrillator is located, the ambulance service will direct you. The defibrillator itself is a fully mobile unit, which is kept inside a heated cabinet to ensure that it is kept in full working order. The 999 operator will give you the code to the cabinet. Remove the defibrillator from the cabinet. When the defibrillator is opened, full instructions are given.

Do not worry, it will not allow you to hurt the patient, but you may save a life!

For more information on Public Access Defibrillators please click on the British Heart Foundation link below:

Dorset Community Transport has commenced the Service 88 from 5th October 2017.

This now means there will be a public service 88 three days a week serving Sturminster Marshall, Pamphill, Wimborne town and parts of Colehill/Stapehill. Timetable